Redline, a voice in the wilderness for leftists who believe in free speech
September 17, 2022

Redline - blog collective

In these times, leftists who espouse free speech are like wanderers in the wilderness. The political sands may be swirling so intensely that they are unable to see clearly, but the desert is actually filled with like-minded wanderers, each mistakenly thinking they are alone.

That is why it is all the more important to discover and support a site like Redline. Redline is a blog collective in New Zealand that combines original content with a carefully chosen selection of re-posted articles.

The content on Redline reinforces a consistent editorial line centered on class, worker rights and feminism, grounded in the materialism of the traditional left and on the principle of free speech.

It isn’t necessary to agree on the specifics of each issue as it is presented on Redline. More important is recognizing that the site is grounded in critical thinking and the free exchange of ideas. Redline rejects the self censorship so rampant on leftist platforms.

Confusing times for those confused about politics

Leftists values are real, they reflect a particular view of the world and social interactions. Inside this tent called ‘the left’ there is plenty of room for disagreement. Leftist values may be broad, but they are distinct and not reflected in labels like ‘heterodox’ or ‘politically homeless’. These terms mistakenly present themselves as safe harbors in the face of the extreme intolerance of what currently passes as the left.

“…wokeism is a neoliberal movement rather than a left movement..parading identity profiles rather than challenging the state or economic structures. “ -Daphna Whitmore Redline

Free speech is the primary tool for thinking and exchanging ideas.

It is important that free speech as a core value is not ceded to right wing, conservative or even ‘heterodox’ platforms. Leftists who believe in free speech should be explicit in embracing this value as part of their leftist beliefs. Others will hear the message and know that they are not alone or homeless.

Plebity is looking forward to sharing content and exploring ways to collaborate with Redline and others to amplify all of our voices.

The big platforms have gone missing. But small voices can join other small voices and fill the void.

Some content on Redline:


Israel – Palestine Part II: Is Jewish religious fundamentalism the flip side of Islamism?

Israel – Palestine Part II: Is Jewish religious fundamentalism the flip side of Islamism?

Are there parallels that can be made between Jewish religious fundamentalism or perhaps Jewish ethno-nationalism, political Judaism and Islamism, political Islam?

Hamas has Islamist roots but makes political claims. In Israel there is a ruling coalition that includes the Religious Zionism Party and a party called Otzma Yehudit, the 'Jewish Power' party. Are there parallels to be made here between Hamas and Jewish fundamentalism?

CapitalismEnvironmentFeaturedFree speechIsrael-PalestinePhilosophyRaciscmReligionwhat is leftPlebity
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Dov and Willy talking – perspectives from the left on political violence, history, colonialism, imperialism, racism, antisemitism, social media and the importance of critical thinking and debate

Dov Osheeroff and Willy Maley - perspectives from the left

Dov Osheroff and Willy Maley: perespectives from the left on political violence, history, colonialism, imperialism, racism, antisemitism, social media and the importance of critical thinking and debate

Willy Maley
Dov Osheroff

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