Identity Crisis Episode 13: Social Contagion Among Teen Girls
April 19, 2021

This week we follow up our discussion on the Arkansas bill, which banned transition procedures for minors, with a discussion about teenage social contagions. We talk about how the social contagion of our teen years was self-harm, and the tragic fact that today’s contagion—rapid onset gender dysphoria—cannot be outgrown if taken too far.

links for the ICYMI topics:
Donate to the WoLF Legal Action Fund to help support their defense of the woman being sued by the ACLU:
And read more about the case here:
Chris Elston’s reporting on Rob Hoogland:
Watch Rob’s interview with Erin Brewer:
Read more about the radfems censored on Chinese social media:

Thanks to Abigail Shrier and her work in Irreversible Damage to help us prepare for this episode.

Identity Crisis is a weekly column and podcast for young people struggling with the modern orthodoxy of gender identity ideology—developed in collaboration between Plebity and 4W by Sasha White and M.K. Fain. New episodes every Monday!

Click here to learn more and get updates:

Conference 2023Hate SpeechTransgender IdeologyFree speech and the left conference 2023
Transgender ideology and free speech – Stella O’Malley, Arty Morty

Transgender ideology and free speech – Stella O’Malley, Arty Morty


Transgender ideology and free speech - Stella O’Malley, Arty Morty

Panelists: Stella O’Malley, Arty Morty

Moderator: Sasha White

Description: Stella and Arty discuss the difficulties of speaking up and being heard on the topic of transgender ideology.

Stella O'Malley is an Irish psychotherapist and author, with three books on parenting and mental health. She is a regular contributor to Irish national newspapers, podcasts, and TV. Her latest book is What Your Teen is Trying to Tell You.

Stella O'Malley's BBC documentary 'Trans Kids - it's time to talk':

Arty Morty is a commentator, writer and YouTuber who reports on gender ideology and its effects on children, women and the gay rights movement. Arty co-hosts an online show called The Mess We're In with Graham Linahan and Helen Staniland. He's known for his clarity and breaking down complex and contentious issues, and for his strong advocacy for gender non conforming individuals. He's written for Plebity,  Lesbian and Gay News and on his substack

Sasha White became a free speech advocate in 2020 after being fired for her personal comments on transgender ideology. She has written for Spiked online, Tablet Magazine, and 4W. She co-founded the Plebity Free Speech Fund and hosts interviews on the Plebity Youtube channel.

AcademiaFeaturedFree speechTransgender IdeologyMW
The woke left is to left as ersatz coffee is to coffee

The woke left is to left as ersatz coffee is to coffee


1948 Nescafe advertisement

One of the hallmarks of today’s woke left is to conflate speech with violence. Fearful of the ‘harm’ that might be experienced from hearing certain words, the woke left has become widely confused about the issue of free speech in general and between speech and literal, physical violence.

In New Zealand this week, Posie Parker was assaulted as she tried to speak–a mob surrounded her and forced her off the stage and ultimately out of the country. The group that prevented her from speaking has taken to social media to declare a great victory.

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Butler, Sedgwick and Queer Theory – part 3 in the postmodernism series

REDLINE article

Judith Butler at UC Berkeley

The most influential queer theorist is Judith Butler an American philosopher who draws heavily upon Foucault and Derrida. Butler’s chief contribution to queer Theory was to question the links between sex – the biological categories of male and female – gender- the behaviours and traits commonly associated with one sex or the other – and sexuality – the nature of sexual desire. Butler claims gender is wholly socially constructed, and developed her most well-known concept: gender performativity. She claims gender roles are taught and learned unwittingly through socialisation – as sets of actions, behaviours, manners, and expectations and people perform these roles accordingly.