Radical Truths with Isabella Malbin
December 24, 2020

Isabella Malbin Isabella Malbin is a birth worker, radical feminist and hypnotist. In her very first doula training back in 2016, she was taught that “men can give birth too.” This phrase was her entrance into the world of gender identity ideology, a dogma she is now deeply critical of.

One of Isabella’s current projects is a “Liberal Feminists Anonymous” group, where she leads women in exploring radical feminism as well as their thoughts around liberal, mainstream feminism and gender ideology. In a climate where merely asking questions or displaying skepticism toward gender identity ideology can get you fired or otherwise punished, this is a rare space where women can speak and think freely. You can sign up for the January session here: https://whosebodyisit.com/liberal-feminists-anonymous

Isabella joins me for a fascinating discussion on why she speaks out about these controversial issues, even in the face of intense opposition, and how she sees big money and corporate interests hurting women both in and out of the medical industry. We also speak about the transgender phenomenon among teenage girls, what she might advise teens thinking about medical or surgical transition, and what radical feminism means to Isabella and her practice.

Isabella’s links:

Her website: https://whosebodyisit.com/about


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WhoseBodyIsIt

CapitalismEnvironmentFeaturedFree speechIsrael-PalestinePhilosophyRaciscmReligionwhat is leftPlebity
Dov and Willy talking – perspectives from the left on political violence, history, colonialism, imperialism, racism, antisemitism, social media and the importance of critical thinking and debate

Dov and Willy talking – perspectives from the left on political violence, history, colonialism, imperialism, racism, antisemitism, social media and the importance of critical thinking and debate

Dov Osheeroff and Willy Maley - perspectives from the left

Dov Osheroff and Willy Maley: perespectives from the left on political violence, history, colonialism, imperialism, racism, antisemitism, social media and the importance of critical thinking and debate

Willy Maley
Dov Osheroff

Mark White

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Race, Identity politics, and the Traditional Left with Norman Finkelstein and Sabrina Salvati

Race, Identity politics, and the Traditional Left with Norman Finkelstein and Sabrina Salvati


Race, Identity politics, and the Traditional Left with Norman Finkelstein and Sabrina Salvati

Panelists: Sabrina Salvati, Norman Finkelstein

Moderator: Jyotishman Mudiar

Description: Recently on her podcast, Sabrina reacted to comments Norman made, which in her view minimized the relative differences in the lives and experiences of blacks and whites in the United States today. In that podcast, Sabrina expressed strong disagreement and mentioned an interest in talking directly with Norman about these issues. Today we bring them together as part of Plebity’s Conference.

Norman Finkelstein is a longtime author and scholar. His academic career has spanned many decades since his PhD from Princeton University in 1987. He has written numerous books, among them The Holocaust Industry, which generated significant controversy. Norman has written and spoken extensively on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Norman is a lifelong scholar and activist of the left. His latest book, I Will Burn That Bridge When I Get to It, is a critique of current day identity politics and can be purchased here:

Sabrina Salvati is the host of Sabby Sab's podcast and the co-host of Revolutionary Blackout Network. She is an activist and former educator. Sabrina writes on her substack https://sabbysabs.substack.com/ and provides leftist commentary and interviews on her youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/sabbysabs.

Jyotishman Mudiar is a co-founder of the YouTube podcast India & Global Left (IGL).

AcademiaFeaturedFree speechTransgender IdeologyMW
The woke left is to left as ersatz coffee is to coffee

The woke left is to left as ersatz coffee is to coffee


1948 Nescafe advertisement

One of the hallmarks of today’s woke left is to conflate speech with violence. Fearful of the ‘harm’ that might be experienced from hearing certain words, the woke left has become widely confused about the issue of free speech in general and between speech and literal, physical violence.

In New Zealand this week, Posie Parker was assaulted as she tried to speak–a mob surrounded her and forced her off the stage and ultimately out of the country. The group that prevented her from speaking has taken to social media to declare a great victory.