
<i>Looking Backward</i> by Edward Bellamy: Is this 1888 vision of a year 2000 Utopia still relevant?

Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy: Is this 1888 vision of a year 2000 Utopia still relevant?


Forty years after the Communist Manifesto eviscerated capitalism and predicted its demise, a relatively unknown American writer shot to fame with a fascinating blueprint for its replacement.

Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward 2000 – 1887 was a literary, cultural, and political sensation. First published in 1888, it was an international hit and only the second U.S. novel to sell a million copies.

‘Do Your Part’: On the Toxic Rise of Moral Grandstanding in the Pandemic

‘Do Your Part’: On the Toxic Rise of Moral Grandstanding in the Pandemic


‘Do Your Part’: On the Toxic Rise of Moral Grandstanding in the Pandemic

Moral grandstanding is an ever-present, seductive force. It may feel impossible to avoid for many of us, but it is necessary to do so if we want to coexist meaningfully with each other. Next time you feel the urge to make a moral proclamation, consider whether you are actually advancing a cause, or yourself.

A Story of Fake Photojournalism: The Book of Veles, Real Euros for Fake News

A Story of Fake Photojournalism: The Book of Veles, Real Euros for Fake News


The city of Veles, Macedonia This fake news story begins in Veles, a small city of 40,000 people in Macedonia. Veles became widely known in the Trump election of 2016 as a production center for false information websites. Presumably, there were hundreds of fake news websites developed by some people in Veles that generated income from ads.