Articles on Cancel Culture

Identity Crisis Episode 7: One trick to effectively debate gender identity ideologues

Identity Crisis Episode 7: One trick to effectively debate gender identity ideologues


In this episode we broke out our acting chops... we acted out two sample conversations between a gender critical woman and a gender ideology supporter. Both conversations cover the same topics, but a simple switch in argument technique on the part of the GC speaker changes the entire outcome and the tone of the exchange.

Jodi Shaw on Smith College, Neo Racism, and Free Thinking

Jodi Shaw on Smith College, Neo Racism, and Free Thinking


Jodi Shaw Jodi sits down with Sasha to tell the story of how she came to be at the epicenter of a discussion about racial bias training and the nature of oppression and conformity. Jodi is a Student Support Coordinator in the Department of Residence Life at Smith College in Massachusetts, a women’s university which is also her alma mater. She is currently on paid leave.

On Oct 27 2020, Jodi posted a video on YouTube titled “Dear Smith College: I Have a Few Requests”, in which she addresses the “policies and initiatives” that she sees as creating “a divisive, racially hostile work environment”. Jodi specifies that she is a life-long liberal, but that she considers this a human issue of reducing people to racial categories.

Jodi joins me on Crossroads for an in-depth conversation about the courage it takes to speak out, how she sees this as a workplace conditions issue, and about the reaction she has received since making that first video.

Cancelled for Standing Up For Lesbians: Julia D. Robertson

Cancelled for Standing Up For Lesbians: Julia D. Robertson


Julia D Robertson
Julia D. Robertson is an author and journalist. She has contributed to Huffington Post, AfterEllen, Quillette, Curve, Feminist Current and more. She also has her own website, The Velvet Chronicle.

She has been a long time critic of gender identity ideology, especially as it relates to the transing of young lesbians. She was an early voice of dissent around the idea that minors can consent to medical and surgical transition.

Her first novel, Beyond the Screen Door, was published by Flashpoint Publications (formerly Regal Crest) in 2016.

Identity Crisis Episode One: Our Peak Trans Stories

Identity Crisis Episode One: Our Peak Trans Stories


According to Urban Dictionary, "Peak Trans" is defined as the moment when: "the threshold of cognitive dissonance that the trans ideology requires of someone exceeds the limits of a person's willing suspension of disbelief, and that person's eyes open to where they can no longer agree with the narrative."

“Identity Crisis” is a weekly column and podcast for young people struggling with the modern orthodoxy of gender identity ideology—developed in collaboration between Plebity and 4W by Sasha White and M.K. Fain. New episodes every Monday!