Articles on Cancel Culture

Women are Being Gaslighted -Andreia Nobre

Women are Being Gaslighted -Andreia Nobre


Andreia Nobre Andreia Nobre is a journalist and radical feminist. She is also a comedienne and the author of several books, including her most recent one, The Grumpy Guide to Radical Feminism. She joins me for a funny, passionate, and insightful conversation to discuss her book, the gaslighting of women with the concept of “cisgender”, and many other elements of the state of feminism today.

Justice for Marguerite

Justice for Marguerite


Marguerite Stern - National Geographic Magazine

The Plebity Free Speech Fund has awarded an initial grant of $1300 for Marguerite Stern, a French feminist who has been an activist in the trenches for many years. This will be our first fundraising campaign.

Members of our Patreon site reviewed the details of Marguerite's story and voted to move forward to award the grant to Marguerite, who after more than a decade of feminist activism is out of work and in need of a new living space.

In 2019 Marguerite began a campaign of posters put up in the streets to publicize the issue of femicide in France. The campaign spread to cities throughout the country and she has become a familiar name and face in France. She was just featured in the French version of National Geographic Magazine to illustrate the word justice - see the image above.

Most recently, Marguerite has been severely targeted and harassed by gender identity ideologues for her woman centered activism.

“Proud to Stand My Ground” – Raquel Rosario Sánchez

“Proud to Stand My Ground” – Raquel Rosario Sánchez


Raquel Rosario Sánchez Raquel Rosario Sánchez is a writer, campaigner and researcher from the Dominican Republic. She is currently pursuing a PhD with the Centre for Gender and Violence Research at the University of Bristol. Raquel’s academic specialism is violence against women, and her PhD work focuses on online communities of men who pay for sex. In 2018, when she chaired a meeting for the organization Woman's Place UK, she began to be targeted by transgender activists on campus.

For two years Raquel endured bullying and harassment from gender identity ideologues while the University not only failed to protect her, but treated her like a perpetrator. She was subject to cross examination in front of one of the trans activist students who was leading the charge against her. She was ignored and blamed, as well as subject to questioning of her feminist beliefs. She tells me that she could never have accepted the University’s offers to settle the matter with money, and she is instead proudly standing up for women everywhere by bringing a legal case against the University.

We discuss what it feels like to momentarily be at the center of the gender war, how to weather the storm of being mobbed, and how we think the tide may be turning. The story of such an intelligent, clear-thinking feminist woman being subject to this level of abuse is deeply chilling. If you’re looking for a modern day feminist hero, look no further than Raquel.

Radical Truths with Isabella Malbin

Radical Truths with Isabella Malbin


Isabella Malbin Isabella Malbin is a birth worker, radical feminist and hypnotist. In her very first doula training back in 2016, she was taught that “men can give birth too.” This phrase was her entrance into the world of gender identity ideology, a dogma she is now deeply critical of.

Isabella joins me for a fascinating discussion on why she speaks out about these controversial issues, even in the face of intense opposition, and how she sees big money and corporate interests hurting women both in and out of the medical industry. We also speak about the transgender phenomenon among teenage girls, what she might advise teens thinking about medical or surgical transition, and what radical feminism means to Isabella and her practice.

Sex, Gender, and Rock ‘n Roll with Karen Davis

Sex, Gender, and Rock ‘n Roll with Karen Davis


Karen DavisKaren Davis is a musician and music teacher who has become a sensation among the gender critical crowd on Twitter and YouTube. Her blend of music, humor, and outrage has put her in the spotlight recently, in particular with a video called “Black Birthing Bodies. REALLY?”

In this interview, Karen explains how she became concerned about gender identity ideology when she encountered phrases like “front-hole havers” being used instead of the word “woman.” She also tells me about what drives her to speak out on this controversial topic, the attention she’s getting for it (both positive and negative), and the very real danger to the livelihoods and safety of those who disagree with aspects of gender identity ideology.

Canceled for disagreeing with the BLM organization: Tabitha Morris

Canceled for disagreeing with the BLM organization: Tabitha Morris


On June 9th 2020, Tabitha Morris posted a video on Facebook in which she stated that she does not support the Black Lives Matter movement. When the video went viral, Tabitha’s place of work, a Kentucky hospital, received thousands of complaints and threats, and fired her from her job of twenty years.

All you hear on the news is celebrities that are being canceled, famous people that are being canceled. The story is it's not just celebrities. It is regular everyday American people—we don't have millions of dollars to fall back on. - Tabitha Morris

MK Fain responds to The Atlantic

MK Fain responds to The Atlantic


The Atlantic Article The Secret Internet of TerfsWe're putting The Atlantic's journalistic process under a microscope. We made every effort to provide a fair, honest and thorough assessment of each claim made in the article, and evaluate the sources that Tiffany relied on.

In the traditional journalistic world, a critical piece by a major outlet like The Atlantic would go unanswered by its targets. In the new media landscape, that target gets to have her say, in full, on a small platform like Plebity. With the threat and reality of big tech censorship, the role of small independent platforms like ours becomes more apparent.

The New Science Denialism with Colin Wright

The New Science Denialism with Colin Wright


Colin Wright Colin Wright is Managing Editor of Quillette, an evolutionary biologist, and an outspoken critic of the ideology he calls “the new evolution denialism.”

Colin joined me to talk about the increasingly mainstream movement to deny basic biological facts in the name of ideology. We also discuss his story of why he left academia, what he would say to others who may be thinking of speaking up, and the act of going against the crowd to speak the truth even when it would benefit you to stay silent.