Noam Chomsky on What Defines the Left and on the Principle of Free Speech
June 2, 2023

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Panelists: Noam Chomsky
Moderator: Mark White

Description: Noam Chomsky offers his thoughts on what defines the left and on the enduring principle of free speech. Noam Chomsky is a longtime scholar, author, teacher, intellectual, activist and social critic.

Noam Chomsky is a longtime scholar, author, teacher, intellectual, activist and social critic.

Mark White is a co-founder of Plebity and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

*Note: Participation by any panelist does not indicate their agreement with or endorsement of the opinions of any other conference participant. The presence of any panelist does not mean Plebity endorses or shares their opinions.

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CapitalismEnvironmentFeaturedFree speechIsrael-PalestinePhilosophyRaciscmReligionwhat is leftPlebity
Dov and Willy talking – perspectives from the left on political violence, history, colonialism, imperialism, racism, antisemitism, social media and the importance of critical thinking and debate

Dov and Willy talking – perspectives from the left on political violence, history, colonialism, imperialism, racism, antisemitism, social media and the importance of critical thinking and debate

Dov Osheeroff and Willy Maley - perspectives from the left

Dov Osheroff and Willy Maley: perespectives from the left on political violence, history, colonialism, imperialism, racism, antisemitism, social media and the importance of critical thinking and debate

Willy Maley
Dov Osheroff

Mark White

Free speechReligionMW
Is criticism of religion an intolerant act of bullying against a minority or a courageous challenge to established power?

Is criticism of religion an intolerant act of bullying against a minority or a courageous challenge to established power?


Religion and Free speech - Daniel Ben-Ami and Jacob Mchangama

One afternoon last June, Salwan Momika, an Iraqi refugee living in Sweden, stepped in front of the largest Mosque in Sweden and lit several pages from the Quran on fire. Momika had sought and received a permit from the Swedish authorities for his provocative demonstration, and there were police monitoring the event.

The event, apparently involving two people, caused international uproar and condemnation from world leaders, especially in the Middle-East. It may affect Sweden’s prospects for entry into NATO, and both the Pope and Putin felt the need to weigh in.